Today in Human Growth and Development we talked about dating (aka: going out). What this looks like for 6th graders, I'm still trying to figure out. Anyways, I've had some marvelous quotes from them the last couple of days. Even though the videos are from the 80's, it doesn't matter to them - the subject matter is fascinating. Their eyes are glued to the tv screen, and they are always asking questions. Here are some of my favorites:
After studying what it feels like to be attracted to someone:
"Miss Lutes, when you're holding a girl's hand, and your hand gets all sweaty - is that because her hand is hot?"
"Miss Lutes, when you're sitting next to a girl you like in a movie, and she turns to talk to you and your face gets all warm, is that because she has hot breath?"
We had some discussion time where I was fortunate enough to hear all their philosophies of dating. The appropriate time for students to begin dating according to 6th graders is 10-18 years old. #1 worry about dating: Is he/she cheating on me? How late should teenagers be allowed to stay out? From 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Then go out again. (I don't know what they would be doing at 6 a.m.) Reasons not to let a guy in the house while you're babysitting: you might get grounded - FOREVER!
Here are some questions and comments from today:
"Miss Lutes, can you even remember that far back to what its like to date someone?"
"What did they call dating in your era?" (After I told them to ask grandparents and parents what they called a guy/girl relationship)
"How old are you anyway?"
"I think the guy should ask the girl out, and the girl should pay." (This got a dirty look from the girl sitting beside him. Somehow I don't think that method is going to work very well for him)
And my favorite...
"I don't mean to be a cupid or anything, but I think someone in this class likes you!" (Said to me as he ran out the door)
Yeah, I never thought I'd say it, but I love teaching Human Growth and Development.