One individual life may be of priceless value to God's purposes, and yours may be that life.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

i hope i'm ready for this...

The picture pretty much says it all.

As of tomorrow, I will begin teaching my 6th graders the Human Growth and Development curriculum. The next two weeks may very well be the most memorable of my entire first year of teaching for a number of reasons:

- All the videos were made in 1985 (so the hair, clothing, music, and popular phrases are AMAZING).

- I get to watch the videos 5 times a day - this may be the last straw before I go crazy.

- The videos have not come in yet, so I don't really know what to do with my kids in the meantime.

- My mom always opted me out of sex ed when I was in elementary/middle school.

- I've seriously considered giving extra credit to any of my students who will cut their hair into a mullet.

- 6th grade kids + sex education. Need I say more?

Well, I should get back to lesson planning. Here goes nothing...

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