From July 10-25 I will be traveling to Thailand with 11 other WONDERFUL adults and high school students. During this time we will be working with students at an international school leading a sports camp for children in the area and visiting an AIDS orphanage. We will also be staying in a Lahu village and working with missionaries at a seminary there. Building a wall around the seminary complex will be one of our projects.
Satan has already been working really hard to discourage me from going on this trip. From the beginning, I've had a difficult time with my passport. I lost my passport from my Europe trip three years ago. So, I applied for a new passport. Now, I am $90 poorer, and I still don't have my new passport. No one can explain why it is taking so long for my passport to be processed, and the chances of me getting it before the team leaves Tuesday morning are slim to none. This has been terribly discouraging for me, but I can only trust that God is using this in his plan for our team, and I hope that I can bring him glory through this situation.
My passport was shipped to Chicago this afternoon. I should be picking it up in the airport during my 9:05 a.m.-12:45 layover.
Please pray that the airlines will accept my letter from Sam Brownback explaining why I don't have my passport at the Wichita airport and let me on the plane Tuesday morning at 5:30 (This flight is considered an international flight and they rarely let people on w/o a passport). Also pray that I will be able to get my passport and board my flight to Thailand during my layover in Chicago.
Please pray for our team!
- Pray for our ministry there - that our eyes would be open to see where God is working and that we would be willling to join with him in that work.
- Pray that our actions and words would reflect Jesus at all times.
- Pray for wisdom - especially for the adults as we have to make decisions in a culture that is very different from our own.
- Pray that God would change us - through our experiences and through his Word.
- Pray that we would recognize Satan's attacks for what they are and for the strength to be able to stand firm and resist him.
If you would like to email me, please send emails to this address with my name in the subject line: You can also check our website for pictures and daily updates: I would GREATLY appreciate your prayer and emails!!!
Thailand Missions Team 2007
"Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."
- Ephesians 3:20-21
You're getting back today... yay! Excited to hear about the trip!